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Montgomery County Register Announces Procedure to Permit Petitions to Probate Estates Through Video

Writer: Lee StiberLee Stiber

The ongoing Judicial Emergency for Montgomery County has closed the One Montgomery Plaza Building to the public indefinitely. The Register of Wills Office therefore, also remains closed to the public indefinitely.

Montgomery County Register of Wills recognizes that, despite the ongoing health crisis, estates still need to be opened and that people are still seeking to be married. Accordingly, a pilot program that utilizes video conferencing technology to open estates and to obtain marriage licenses is being established, temporarily, at this time.


For this remote procedure, you must email or call 610-278-3400 and leave a message on the voice mail with your contact information. Please note to say “Request to Open Probate” in the call or put it in the subject line of the email. You will be contacted by a representative of the Register of Wills Office and instructed to scan copies of all original relevant documents and send to the Register’s Office by email. Once the Register is supplied with the necessary documentation, arrangements will be made to set up a video conference call to take necessary payments (by check) and to swear in the Executor or Administrator.

The original signed documents will then need to be submitted for final review via an overnight delivery service. MAKE SURE THAT THE OVERNIGHT DELIVERY SERVICE HAS A TRACKING

FEATURE! A prepaid and addressed return envelope must also be submitted. Once the original signed documents are reviewed and accepted by the Register’s Office, the estate will be opened, and Short Certificates issued.




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